Friday, April 3, 2015

Plastics and Environmental Sustainability

Anthony L. Andrady, "Plastics and Environmental Sustainability"
2015 | ISBN-10: 1118312600 | 352 pages | PDF | 5 MB

Survey s the issues typically raised in discussions ofsustainability and plastics

The issue of Plastics in the environment has attractedwidespread attention from the scientific community as well as fromthe informed general public. Plastics offer a variety ofenvironmental benefits. However, their production, applications,and disposal present many environmental concerns. Some ofthese are real and justified while others have little support infact. Plastics and Environmental Sustainability presents a clearanalysis of the key plastic–related issues, citing the researchbase that supports or contradicts the popularly held notions whilefocusing on three key areas; the plastics industry that discussesits scope and societal benefits; the post–consumer fate of plasticson land and in the oceans, highlighting the environmental impactsof disposal methods; and toxicity of plastics, particularly as itapplies to human health.

Plastics and Environmental Sustainability features:

Discussions on post–consumer fate of plastics on land and inthe oceans, highlighting the environmental impacts of disposalmethods
Toxicity of plastics, particularly as it applies to humanhealth
A clear analysis of the key plastic–related issues includingnumerous citations of the research base that supports andcontradicts the popularly held notions

This highly readable volume treats the subject of plastics andsustainability in a balanced and critical manner for the technicalreader. Despite it s multidisciplinary content covered in it,the author guides the reader through the economics, technology andassessment of data pertaining to the topic.